
Cirque Providence

Inspired by PeaceLove Studios opening night at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence, RI this image captures the energy and movement of the world famous Cirque performers.

22.5" x 30" mixed media acrylic wash on paper 

I'm In. All In.

The overwhelming and empowering feeling of joy when supporters come out of the shadows and share their stories and connections to creating peace of mind. Nothing is better than the support and belief of new friends. 

22.5" x 30" mixed media acrylic wash on paper 

Lean On Me

Sometimes all you need is a shoulder to lean on. Sometimes the best peace of mind is created when we don't say a word, we simply listen. I will listen. 

11" x 14" mixed media on paper, matted and framed black on black, ready to hang.

Jumping Rainbows with My Feet in the Clouds

Inspired by the true beauty only a daughter posses and the dreams she ignites in your mind.

22.5" x 30" mixed media acrylic wash on paper 

PeaceLove. Wear It.

A positive symbol of hope and acceptance for the millions upon million of individuals and families to wear proudly and rally behind in support of mental health...that's my dream...join the party. 

22.5" x 30" mixed media acrylic wash on paper 


Simple Elegance

Dressed to impress and leaning on two simple but often elusive feelings...peace of mind and love in my heart. 

22.5" x 30" mixed media acrylic wash on paper 

Conversation Starters

Uniting two super powers Peace (+) Love sprinkled with Positive Energy from my friends at Alex and Ani. Created this painting to celebrate the launch of the Peace of Mind bangle and the conversations I dreamed it would spark and the permission it would create to share stories safely. We are on our way! 

The Peace Girl